States Want to Reopen but Few Have Met the Criteria

One of the requirements that the President set on April 16 th for reopening the country is that the state or region must show. 14 consecutive days of declining daily case counts No state has met this criterion in the strict sense. For some of the states that have reopened or announced reopening soon such as Minnesota, Tennessee, Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, and Colorado the latest 14-day trend in their case counts is actually upward and they should definitely not ease any of the restrictions they have in place. For some of the reopening states such as Texas, Ohio, Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi the trend is mostly flat and not downward. Only for Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana, are the most recent two-week trend edging downward. The alternate gating criterion of a downward trajectory of positive tests as a percentage of total tests has also not been met by most states. This criteri...