Reopening Florida and Risk of Reinfection

Florida has reopened for business for four weeks now and its experience is similar to that encountered by other states and countries that are trying to reopen quickly after COVID-19 lockdowns. Reopening the state for business is necessary and should be possible if enough testing and contact tracing resources are made available. However, testing capacity has always been surprisingly problematic for the US since January 11 th when the genetic code for the novel coronavirus was first published and major countries such as South Korea and Germany were able to produce valid tests in quantity. To date, Florida and the US as a whole still lags behind South Korea, Germany, Taiwan, Australia, and other best-in-class countries in terms of testing completeness and thoroughness. The figure below shows that testing (brown square against left axis) in Florida has expanded in two months from 6,000 per day in late March to near 24,000 per day now. The percentage of te...