Age Dependence of COVID-19 – Are Children immune?

Recent debates about how and when it might be safe to reopen schools for the coming academic year has put the spotlight on whether young adults get infected by the novel coronavirus and how many subsequently die of COVID-19? We had noted early on in the pandemic that the case fatality rate (CFR=deaths/cases) for COVID-19 is highly skewed against older males. The average 85+ years old male has >30% chance of dying once they are infected which is 1000 times worse than the <0.03% measured for 17- years old young females (see figure below). While you hear about the occasional death of a teenager this is out of more than hundreds of thousands of teenagers who have been infected in the USA. Of course, no one knows the long term damage that could be caused by this pernicious and poorly understood virus so young adults are still cautioned against behaving irresponsibly and tempting fate. Moreover, it is important to note that there is no e...