COVID-19 Vaccines Work Great but Not for 10M Americans

There is no doubt that COVID-19 vaccines are working beautifully to drive down COVID-19 cases in the USA. With 170M Americans or 51% having had at least one dose of the vaccine, cases in the USA have dropped to a 14-mo low of 5 per 100,000. However, there is a significant subpopulation of the USA, 10M or 3%, who may not be fully protected by the vaccines. These include those (>6M) that are taking immunosuppressive drugs such as steroids used to treat organ transplants, cancers, or other medical conditions, and those who have compromised immune systems due to blood cancers and other diseases. The original clinical trials for vaccines specifically excluded people who were taking immunosuppressive drugs to get their impressive 95% efficacy results. Real-life studies were equally impressive since less than 3% of those sampled were immunocompromised. More targeted real-life studies with immunocompromised patients show more dis...