Serious Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases Are Not Rare

We had warned two months ago that the CDC had erred in dropping the tracking of COVID-19 breakthrough cases and not doing more to track serious breakthrough cases with more detail. This has led to tremendous confusion and bickering among the White House, the CDC, and the FDA regarding the need and timeline for rolling out vaccine boosters. Somehow the FDA decided to ignore a lot of good data from the UK, Israel, Iceland, and Singapore regarding the seriousness of breakthroughs. Now the CDC is leaning toward quicker and broader booster rollout. Why? One reason is that yesterday, the CDC reported a big jump in breakout hospitalizations and deaths due primarily to the addition of one more state in their weekly report . Based on the trend over the last 10 weeks, everyone had expected 3,400 cumulative breakthrough deaths to be reported yesterday (red curve in graph above and table below). That they got 4,493 was probably a huge shock. It meant th...